Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday 11AM

A better morning today. Jamie was moved out of the Intensive Care Unit late yesterday and now is resting well in a quiet room. Reports from the medical teams are all pretty good with a positive prognosis.

She goes for some physical and cognitive testing today to determine if there are any issues lurking in the shadows that we've not yet identified. Initial results from that should be coming later today. She's had a lot of company and seems to be improving but is still pretty beat up from a very invasive surgery. Keep the good thoughts coming.

Suzanne told me about an encounter she had yesterday that was, in her words, "a moment". I thought I'd share it with you.

In the ICU was a young man in the next bed who was terribly injured from a gunshot. The bullet made a long trip through him and caused massive damage internally. For the entire time we were in the ICU, he was there, unconscious, on a ventilator, surrounded by family. It was a large group that appeared to be brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles and probably friends. There was always a big group present; he was strongly supported and obviously much loved. Suzanne and his mother were both at the bedsides of their respective children for much of the time.

At one point, Suzanne said she looked up and into the eyes of the other mother standing next to her son. They don't speak the same language so nothing was said. Nothing needed to be said. The look in their eyes revealed what was in their hearts - revealed how hard this was. A mother's love for her child is like nothing else. In that instant, between them, they shared the same physical and emotional space. It is so hard to watch your child suffering. So hard to be so powerless. For only the space of a few seconds - and without words, all the space between people and cultures and politics and beliefs was spanned. For that instant it was clear that whatever you see on the outside, there is no difference on the inside. That most basic of human emotion - love - knows no division. Neither age nor race nor spiritual belief matters. One, and the same. It was a moment...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday 10am

The bad news today seems limited to Seattle area traffic caused by a teeny snowfall. In the hospital, reports are much more favorable. Although I can't say how much, I do know that both girls managed to get some sleep last night. For Suzanne it was the first since this episode began on Tuesday morning so they both seemed much happier today.

Jamie is experiencing some predicted mood swings which make for a very interesting time for Suzanne. Although I've never seen it (it almost appears to be reserved for her mom) Jamie will bounce from one emotional extreme to the next in a matter of moments. We have been told that his is to be expected and will subside over the next few days. Overall, Jamie seems to be improving and as of yet shows no outward signs of bruising. We have been advised that this will still come along with some swelling - it just hasn't shown up yet.

Suzanne's sisters Christine and Audra left this morning to return to their lives back east. Their presence here was a real blessing so things for all their help and positive energy. For all the calls and emails and cosmic good wishes from all of you - thank you very much.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Jamie Update Wed 10am

Jamie has been roused from her lengthy sleep and a bit earlier this morning had the vent turned off and the tube removed. She responded by giving me a pouty lip and saying "the only thing that will make me feel better is if you get me a new puppy". I think she's going to be ok.

Suzanne was also visibly more relaxed and animated today after an exceedingly stressful day yesterday. The cause of all this problem - the AVM in the brain - has been completely removed. Things are looking pretty good.

Jamie will stay in the ICU for a while longer since there are still things that need to be monitored and she will need to stabilize, but we're feeling pretty confident right now.

To all you who have expressed your concern and support - thank you. For the prayers and positive energy sent our way - thank you. We have a wonderful family and fabulous friends. I count myself a very rich man as a result.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Jamie Update 5:45 PM

We just talked with the docs after they looked at the angiogram. Everything is looking very good - the entire AVM was removed. Jamie is still intubated and will remain sedated through the night. They plan to awaken her in the morning, allowing them to maintain a high degree of stability overnight and enabling her to rest. So far, this has gone completely according to plan.

Jamie Update - 3:50

We had a visit from the neurosurgeon a bit ago and received good news regarding removal of the AVM. Jamie is still being put back together but the prognosis is good. Once they have closed things up she'll get a follow-up angiogram to take a look from the inside and then another MRI. She should be in the unit by early evening.

Jamie is in Surgery - 0820

Greetings All - They trundled Jamie off about 7:30. By now I imagine she is well on the way to being ready to start. Prep involves getting her plugged in to the various IVs and doing some sort of haircut to allow for the incision across the scalp. We have been told that our first update will be upon completion of the "main part" of the surgery - it's unclear when that will be but I'm expecting it to be some hours away.

For now, Suzanne has calmed down after a very teary few moments after they rolled Jamie down the hall. Her sisters Christine and Audra are both here and are providing plenty of distraction. Royce is also on hand, along with a cast of several more. We've pretty much taken over the small waiting room here at Harborview.

I'll update once we get word from the docs.
